PHP Manual


ーハイシ、ホト�ャト�チ、オ、�ニ、、、゙、ケ。」 、ウ、ホエリソホウネト・・筵ク・蝪シ・�ャ PHP チネ、゚ケ�、゚、ヌ・ウ・ム・、・�オ、�ニ、、、�ォ。「 シツケヤサ�、ヒニーナェ、ヒ・悅シ・ノ、オ、�ニ、、、��遉ホ、゚サネヘムイトヌス、ヌ、ケ。」

The following constants can be used when executing SQL statement. They can be passed to cubrid_prepare() and cubrid_execute().

CUBRID SQL execution flags
Constant Description
CUBRID_INCLUDE_OID Determine whether to get OID during query execution.
CUBRID_ASYNC Execute the query in asynchronous mode.

The following constants can be used when fetching the results to specify fetch behaviour. They can be passed to cubrid_fetch() and cubrid_fetch_array().

CUBRID fetch flags
Constant Description
CUBRID_NUM Get query result as a numeric array (0-default).
CUBRID_ASSOC Get query result as an associative array.
CUBRID_BOTH Get query result as both numeric and associative arrays (default value).
CUBRID_OBJECT Get query result an object.

The following constants can be used when positioning the cursor in query results. They can be passed to or returned by cubrid_move_cursor().

CUBRID cursor position flags
Constant Description
CUBRID_CURSOR_FIRST Move current cursor to the first position in the result.
CUBRID_CURSOR_CURRENT Move current cursor as a default value if the origin is not specified.
CUBRID_CURSOR_LAST Move current cursor to the last position in the result.
CUBRID_CURSOR_SUCCESS Returned value of cubrid_move_cursor() function in case of success.
CUBRID_NO_MORE_DATA Returned value of cubrid_move_cursor() function in case of failure.
CUBRID_CURSOR_ERROR Returned value of cubrid_move_cursor() function in case of failure.

The following constants can be used when getting schema information. They can be passed to cubrid_schema().

CUBRID schema flags
Constant Description
CUBRID_SCH_CLASS Get name and type of table in CUBRID.
CUBRID_SCH_VCLASS Get name and type of view in CUBRID.
CUBRID_SCH_QUERY_SPEC Get the query definition of view.
CUBRID_SCH_ATTRIBUTE Get the attributes of table column.
CUBRID_SCH_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE Get the attributes of table.
CUBRID_SCH_METHOD Get the instance method. The instance method is a method called by a class instance. It is used more often than the class method because most operations are executed in the instance.
CUBRID_SCH_CLASS_METHOD Get the class method. The class method is a method called by a class object. It is usually used to create a new class instance or to initialize it. It is also used to access or update class attributes.
CUBRID_SCH_METHOD_FILE Get the information of the file where the method of the table is defined.
CUBRID_SCH_SUPERCLASS Get the name and type of table which table inherites attributes from.
CUBRID_SCH_SUBCLASS Get the name and type of table which inherites attributes from this table.
CUBRID_SCH_CONSTRAINT Get the table constraints.
CUBRID_SCH_TRIGGER Get the table triggers.
CUBRID_SCH_CLASS_PRIVILEGE Get the privilege information of table.
CUBRID_SCH_ATTR_PRIVILEGE Get the privilege information of column.
CUBRID_SCH_DIRECT_SUPER_CLASS Get the direct super table of table.
CUBRID_SCH_PRIMARY_KEY Get the table primary key.
CUBRID_SCH_IMPORTED_KEYS Get imported keys of table.
CUBRID_SCH_EXPORTED_KEYS Get exported keys of table.
CUBRID_SCH_CROSS_REFERENCE Get reference relationship of tow tables.

The following constants can be used when reporting errors. They can be returned from cubrid_error_code_facility().

CUBRID error facility code
Constant Description
CUBRID_FACILITY_DBMS The error occured in CUBRID dbms.
CUBRID_FACILITY_CAS The error occured in CUBRID broker cas.
CUBRID_FACILITY_CCI The error occured in CUBRID cci.
CUBRID_FACILITY_CLIENT The error occured in CUBRID PHP client.

PHP Manual