(PECL cairo >= 0.1.0)
cairo_ps_surface_set_eps — Description
The function description goes here.
、ウ、ホエリソマ。「 クスコ゚、ホ、ネ、ウ、暙ワコル、ハセマ、「、熙゙、サ、」ー惞ホ・�ケ・ネ、ホ、゚、ャ オュスメ、オ、�ニ、、、゙、ケ。」
What is returned on success and failure
When does this function issue E_* level errors, and/or throw exceptions.
ホ�1 cairo_ps_surface_set_eps() example
Any text that describes the purpose of the example, or what goes on in the example should be here.
/* ... */
セ螟ホホ网ホスミホマ、マ。「 、ソ、ネ、ィ、ミーハイシ、ホ、隍ヲ、ヒ、ハ、熙゙、ケ。」