(PECL net_gopher >= 0.1)
gopher_parsedir — gopher ・ユ・ゥ。シ・゙・テ・ネ、ホ・ヌ・」・�ッ・ネ・�ィ・ネ・熙「チロヌロホヒハムエケ、ケ、�
gopher_parsedir() 、マ。「gopher ・ユ・ゥ。シ・゙・テ・ネ、オ、�ソ・ヌ・」・�ッ・ネ・�ィ・ネ・熙「チロヌロホヒハムエケ、キ、゙、ケ。」
gopher 、マ。「・�ッ・ィ・ケ・ネ、ヒツミ、キ、ニ text/plain キチシー、ホ ・ノ・ュ・螂皈ネ、ヨ、キ、゙、ケ。」・ヌ・」・�ッ・ネ・遙ハホ网ィ、ミ / 、ハ、ノ。ヒ、リ、ホ・�ッ・ィ・ケ・ネ、ヒ、マ ニテハフ、ヒ・ィ・ウ。シ・ノ、オ、�ソー�「、ホケヤ、ヨ、キ。「、ス、ホクト。ケ、ホケヤ、ャ 1 、ト、ホ・ヌ・」・�ッ・ネ・� ・ィ・ネ・熙「、�、、マセヤ、ス、キ、゙、ケ。」
シコヌヤ、キ、ソセ�遉ヒ、マ。「、オ、鬢ヒ data 、ネ、、、ヲ・ィ・ネ・熙ャ、ウ、ホヌロホヒトノイテ、オ、�「、ス、ウ、ヒ・ム。シ・ケ、キ、ソケヤ、ャエ゙、゙、�゙、ケ。」
ホ�1 gopher://gopher.example.com/ 、ォ、鬢ホスミホマ、ハイシ、ホ、隍ヲ、ヒイセト熙ケ、�
0All about my gopher site. /allabout.txt gopher.example.com 70 9A picture of my cat. /pics/cat.png gopher.example.com 70 1A collection of my writings. /stories gopher.example.com 70 hThe HTTP version of this site. URL:http://www.example.com gopher.example.com 70 1Mirror of this site in Spain. / gopher.ejemplo.co.es 70 iWelcome to my gopher site. error.host 1 iPlease select one of the options above error.host 1 iSend complaints to /dev/null error.host 1 iLong live gopher! error.host 1
セ螟ホホ网ヌ。「gopher.example.com 、ホ・�シ・ネ・ヌ・」・�ッ・ネ・熙ヒ、マ ID 0 、ホ・ノ・ュ・螂皈ネ 、ャ gopher://gopher.example.com:70/allabout.txt 、ヒ、「、熙゙、ケ。」 、゙、ソ。「2 、ト、ホ・ヌ・」・�ッ・ネ・遙ハ、ス、�セ、�ネシォ、ホ・ユ・。・、・��ンサ�、キ、゙、ケ。ヒ、ャ gopher://gopher.exmaple.com:70/stories 、ェ、隍モ gopher://gopher.ejemplo.co.es:70/ 、ヒ、「、熙゙、ケ。」 、ス、ホツセ、ヒ・ミ・、・ハ・�ユ・。・、・�ヲHTTP URL 、リ、ホ・�ッ。ヲ、ス、キ、ニセホケヤ、ャ、「、熙゙、ケ。」
・ヌ・」・�ッ・ネ・��ホウニケヤ、� gopher_parsedir() 、ヒナマ、ケ、ネ。「 、ス、ホ・ヌ。シ・ソ、「チロヌロホチシー、ヒ・ユ・ゥ。シ・゙・テ・ネ、キ、゙、ケ。」
ホ�2 gopher_parsedir() 、ホサネヘムホ�
$directory = file("gopher://gopher.example.com");
foreach($directory as $dirent) {
Array ( [type] => 0 [title] => All about my gopher site. [path] => /allabout.txt [host] => gopher.example.com [port] => 70 ) Array ( [type] => 9 [title] => A picture of my cat. [path] => /pics/cat.png [host] => gopher.example.com [port] => 70 ) Array ( [type] => 1 [title] => A collection of my writings. [path] => /stories [host] => gopher.example.com [port] => 70 ) Array ( [type] => 254 [title] => The HTTP version of this site. [path] => URL:http://www.example.com [host] => gopher.example.com [port] => 70 ) Array ( [type] => 1 [title] => Mirror of this site in Spain. [path] => / [host] => gopher.ejemplo.co.es [port] => 70 ) Array ( [type] => 255 [title] => Welcome to my gopher site. [path] => [host] => error.host [port] => 1 ) Array ( [type] => 255 [title] => Please select one of the options above. [path] => [host] => error.host [port] => 1 ) Array ( [type] => 255 [title] => Send complaints to /dev/null [path] => [host] => error.host [port] => 1 ) Array ( [type] => 255 [title] => Long live gopher! [path] => [host] => error.host [port] => 1 )